Everyone should check their tongue while brushing their teeth daily to stay informed about their health as the color of our tongue gives us health awareness.
Like other organs in the human body, the tongue is also a special organ that tells the secrets of health along with speaking and telling the taste of food.
Dr. Anees Khalaf from Florida has related the color of the tongue to health and said that what color tongue can cause what diseases? ,
While a pink tongue is usually a sign of good health, a change in its color can indicate a variety of potential health problems, according to a foreign news agency report.
In the article below, the possible causes of tongue diseases based on color are described, if you notice any of these changes in your tongue, consult your doctor immediately.
How can tongue color diagnose disease?
White Tongue:
The presence of white on the tongue can be a sign of various conditions, some conditions are only superficial while others indicate medical problems that need to be treated.
If you have a white layer on the surface of your tongue, then you are definitely not healthy, the reason for this is that you are suffering from constipation, in such a case, you must get treatment.
In case of oral thrush, white patches appear on the tongue which disappear when rubbed. This is a fungal infection.
A white or yellow coating on the tongue can also be an early sign of a bacterial infection of scarlet fever, and a white tongue can also be caused by not brushing the teeth.
Yellow or orange tongue:
A yellow or orange tongue can be caused by a variety of reasons that indicate health problems.
Smoking and dehydration can further increase the risk. The reason for having a yellow tongue is the heat in our body or it also turns yellow in the case of jaundice.
Red Tongue:
A red tongue can be a sign of various conditions, you may suffer from lack of sleep due to illness, you may also feel tired and if the tongue is red on the sides, this is the reason for using spicy spices.
can be from A red tongue can also be a sign of Cuava disease, a rare condition in which the body’s blood vessels become inflamed.
One of the reasons for this is lack of vitamins, red tongue also indicates lack of water in our body, so we should increase the amount of water.
Gray tongue:
Eczema is a skin condition in which the skin becomes dry and cracked, partly due to lack of moisture, according to a study, eczema patients are at risk of developing a gray tongue.
Also, taking too many iron supplements can cause a gray tongue or as a side effect of certain medications.
If the gray color of the tongue remains constant or other symptoms appear along with it, it is a sign of danger.
Black Tongue:
By the way, this color is rarely seen, it is not as scary as it sounds. This condition is caused by the accumulation of dead cells on the small bumps (papillae) on the surface of the tongue.
The reason for this is not cleaning the teeth, bad breath, etc. There can be many other reasons, but along with it, smoking, use of certain medicines are also there.
Purple Tongue:
Purple tongue can happen to most of the women, it can be due to women’s menstrual periods, it can cause discomfort or discomfort. Another reason for this is lack of vitamin B2. Also, people who have constant physical pain may also have a purple tongue.
Green Tongue:
Like a yellow tongue, a green tongue can be the result of poor oral health, smoking, dry mouth, or the use of certain medications.
Blue Tongue:
A blue tongue is usually considered a medical emergency because it is a sign that the body is not getting enough oxygen. This is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as bluing of the skin or lips.