Donald Sutherland Passes Away at The age of 88

Donald Sutherland Passes Away at The age of 88


Donald Sutherland Passes Away at The age of 88
Donald Sutherland Passes Away at The age of 88 ©Getty Images

The actor Donald Sutherland, a Canadian, passed away. His sharp, captivating on-screen persona stretched over fifty years, from M*A*S*H to The Hunger Games. He was eighty-eight.

On Thursday, Kiefer Sutherland, the son, announced the death.

Actor Donald Sutherland
Actor Donald Sutherland ©X

At the time, no information was available. Kiefer Sutherland stated on X that he believes he is “one of the most important actors in the history of film.”


Never scared of a part, no matter how big or small. One could never ask for more than that—he did what he loved and loved what he did.”

With a smile that could be both wicked and sweet, the tall and thin Sutherland was well-known for his quirky roles as the stoned professor in Animal House, the hippy tank commander in Kelly’s Heroes, and Hawkeye Pierce in Robert Altman’s M*A*S*H film.


Sutherland embodied the erratic, anti-establishment cinema of the 1970s before going on to have a long career as a recognized character actor.

He never took a break from his career, making appearances in about 200 TV shows and movies.

Over the years, Sutherland has demonstrated his versatility in more somber yet offbeat characters, such as Oliver Stone’s JFK and Robert Redford’s Ordinary People.


He most recently acted in the Hunger Games movies. Made Up, But Still True, a memoir, is slated for release in November.

“I enjoy my work. I genuinely adore what I do for a living,” Sutherland said to Charlie Rose in 1998. “I enjoy feeling my hand slide into a different character’s glove.


I have such a sense of freedom—time seems to halt. I’m still a little crazy, but not as much as I used to be.”


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