Government gives us 62 rupees per unit of electricity.

Government gives us 62 rupees per unit of electricity.
Government gives us 62 rupees per unit of electricity.

Advisor to Treasury KP Muzamil Aslam has said that the government gives us an electricity unit of 62 rupees, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will produce the cheapest electricity in Pakistan.


While giving a press conference, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Finance Advisor Muzamil Aslam said that the budget is murderous and there will be no other budget more notorious than this.


This year the IMF kept a surplus of 95 billion rupees. I would request the rest of the provinces to show their performance.


Muzamil Aslam said that we gave 3 budgets in 100 days, this is not a mini budget, on May 10, we gave the budget of the previous government, on May 24, we gave the budget before the federation.


We have passed the budget in the first week of June, we told that the budget of the province has to be presented by the province, we saved 20 billion rupees this year and allocated it for pension fund, before Eid we gave 90 billion rupees to TMEs and municipal. Crore issued.


Advisor Finance Khyber Pakhtunkhwa said that we have distributed medicines worth more than 2 billion rupees in 3 months, Chief Minister KP, Cabinet did not travel anywhere except Islamabad.


He said that the tax of those earning 1 lakh 15 thousand rupees has increased to 30%, 10% additional tax has been imposed on those earning 1 crore per year, and 10% surcharge has been imposed on those earning above 1 crore.


Muzamil Aslam said that the federal government has increased the salaries by 25 percent and increased the tax burden, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has halved the property tax, and the federal government has imposed 23 percent tax on buying a house.


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