government has announced a new policy that prohibits schools bags for children in Islamabad

government has announced a new policy that prohibits schools bags for children in Islamabad
government has announced a new policy that prohibits schools bags for children in Islamabad ©pakobserver

children’ school backpacks are becoming heavier, particularly for younger children who need to carry a lot of books and other necessities.

The federal government is looking into measures to lighten the weight of school bags in order to ease the burden on juniors.

Beginning on August 1, the government allegedly enforced a bag-free policy for students attending Islamabad’s elementary schools.

Students who attend classes will not need to carry school bags after the summer break since their classrooms will have storage cabinets for textbooks and other supplies.

While all elementary schools are being prepared by the government to accept this transition, the effort seeks to lessen the load on younger kids.

Prior to its gradual discontinuation, the government promoted the “Lighter Bag Brighter Student” campaign, which was met with initial success and favorable feedback from parents.

In an effort to give their kids a healthier educational experience, parents are now pressuring the ministry to bring back the previous regulation, which is why the new program was implemented.


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